Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Letter 4

Dear Prodigal Child,
Even though you are safe and sound, I know you have a long road ahead of you.  There are some friendships that have been damaged, that may be beyond repair.  All of the trust that had been built up in the last few months, has been wiped out.  Now you are back to the beginning of rebuilding that trust.

Over all of the years your sister has blindly trusted you, as well as looked up to you as the older sister.  Even she has come to the point of no longer fully trusting you.

That being said, you are still loved.  One thing we are all learning is that there is a difference between forgiving someone and trusting them.  You are forgiven for your actions and behavior.  However, there is a lot work to be done before the trust is there again.

Part of that trust will rest on who you choose to be around, and the friends you surround yourself with.  If I don't trust your friends, I'm going to have a hard time trusting what you are doing.

It is good that you are using your time wisely by reading the Bible.  If you keep God's Word in  your heart, it will be difficult to fill it with evil and destruction.

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